In 1997 I graduated from Saint Petersburg Classical Gymnasium, or high school #610 (cum laude), and entered the Department of Classical Languages of Saint Petersburg State University. In 1999 I transferred to the Department of General Linguistics and started working in a project studying how Russian verb morphology is represented in the mental lexicon (more details here). My contribution was summarised in my thesis:
Slioussar, N. (2003). Psixolingvisticheskoe issledovanie struktury mental’nogo leksikona na materiale russkix glagolov (‘Psycholinguistic study of the mental lexicon structure on the material of Russian verbs’). MA thesis, Saint Petersburg State University. Download.
The program I graduated from combined BA and MA, and I received my diploma (cum laude) in 2003, majoring in general linguistics and psycholinguistics. While doing my BA/MA, I was awarded the scholarship of the President of Russian Federation to study abroad and used it to study at the Linguistics Department of the University of Maryland in 2001-2002.


In January 2004, I enrolled in the joint PhD program organized by Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS and Department of General Linguistics in Saint Petersburg. On July 4, 2007, I defended the English version of my thesis in Utrecht (on the same day I received my BA/MA diploma four years before that, and also cum laude). On June 27, 2008, I defended the Russian version in Saint Petersburg. My supervisors were Eric Reuland and Frank Wijnen (Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS) and Tatiana Chernigovskaya (Saint Petersburg State University).
The English version of my PhD thesis, Grammar and Information Structure: A study with reference to Russian, came out as a book. I also wrote a book on the basis of the Russian version: On the crossroads of theories: Grammar and information structure in Russian and other languages. It includes extensive introductory chapters and then proceeds to my own work (more info).

Postdoc projects

In 2008-2009, I worked on a postdoc project at University College London, trying to address some problems that remained unsolved in my dissertation, to revise and to extend some ideas from there. The project, entitled Information structure: towards a unified approach, was funded by a Rubicon grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO).
In 2010-2014, I worked on a postdoc project Prosody and syntax: how are they related? at Utrecht institute of Linguistics OTS. The project studied different aspects of syntax-prosody mapping and was funded by a Veni grant from the NWO.


In 2014, I started working at the School of Linguistics of the Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow. I am the organizer of the departmental scientific seminar and participate in the Laboratory of Formal Methods in Linguistics. From 2024, I am also affiliated to the Center for Language and Brain at the Saint Petersburg Campus of HSE. At the same time, in 2002-2023 I was affiliated to Saint Petersburg State University and worked at the Laboratory for Cognitive Studies. Here is the list of my current and completed grants.
While I was finishing my second postdoc project, I started working with colleagues and students in Russia — resulting projects, current and completed, are presented here. The findings from several projects were summarized in my D.Sc., or habilitation, dissertation Experimental study of several core concepts of theoretical morphology (on the material of Russian): regularity, syncretism, markedness. I defended it cum laude at HSE on April 19, 2019 (more info). In November 2019, I received the Golden HSE Award for the achievement in humanities, media studies, and arts.
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