Together with Maria Samojlova, an MA student from Saint Petersburg State University, we created a database containing information about the frequency of different grammatical features and inflectional affixes of Russian nouns. Raw data to count frequencies were taken from the grammatically disambiguated subcorpus of the Russian National Corpus ( in October-December 2013. We analyzed the frequency of different grammatical features in the following categories: gender, number, case, animacy (by themselves and in various combinations), looked at these categories in different declensions, and also at the distribution of different inflectional affixes. Here is the database and its description:
Description of the database (in Russian)
Slioussar, N., & Samojlova M. (2015). Chastotnosti razlichnyx grammaticheskix xarakteristik i okonchanij u suschestvitel’nyx russkogo jazyka (in Russian, ‘Frequencies of different grammatical features and inflectional affixes in Russian nouns’). Proceedings of the conference ‘Dialogue 20’,